Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We Are Having A ....

The great news is that we are having a little BABY BOY! I am now 25 weeks pregnant and it is crazy to think how quickly we will be adding this little guy to our family. Adam and I are so excited to be parents!


RickAndGina said...

Yeah!!!!! So what was it again, you love it when people give you baby clothes with cartoon characters on them?

DS said...

Holy crap Kami! Boy have we lost touch.:( Sounds like everything is great for the both of you. Congrats on the pregnancy, that is so exciting. I hope all is well. Check out our blog. devanandshanellstapleyfamily.com Love ya Shanell

Mitch and Linda... said...

Yea!! you have a new blog! I need to get your email address so that I can add you to my invited readers...I have gone private on my blog! Email me at mnorth@infowest.com

Anonymous said...

Kam--I just happened upon your blog. Wow, so fun to see pics of you prego! I didn't realize you were due soooo soon! So fun!! Call me one of these days. We have lots of catching up to do. Love ya. Good luck! :)