Thursday, October 23, 2008

Grandpa Dave

Today Tawni and I took Stella and Jax to see grandpa Dave. Dave is my old boss from the bank, but I promised him Jaxon would call him Grandpa Dave when he was old enough to talk. He was so cute with the babies. Dave is the only thing I miss about my job, and seeing him today reminded me just how much.


Ang said...

Kami, he's adorable... Jax I mean, not "grandpa Dave!" :) I'm so sorry about the whole sleeping thing. Trust me I now exactly what you mean. For the first 4 months of her life, Emma was up EVERY hour during the night and wouldn't sleep during the day... at all. Then from about 4-10 months it moved to 2 to 3 times a night. Just know that it really doesn't last forever... I know you've probably been told that like a million times. Starting rice cereal helps... usually!!! Hang in there! We have 'Mom Power' now. It can get you through ALOT!! Love, Ang

Jack & Ashley Waters said...

Those pictures are so cute! He's getting so big! You look really good too. Hope to see ya soon! Ash

Jason and Tawni said...

OMG I am so happy that you FINALLY updated your blog. I guess all my pressure and consistent persuasion really paid off! It was fun visiting Dave the other day, I can't wait to take the kids in there on Halloween. Oh, and the pictures from his 1 week photoshoot are to die for. I think my favorite is the one where you and Adam are kissing and holding Jax, too cute! Call me about Halloween, can't wait!

Mitch and Linda... said...

Yea-a new post! Those pics of Jax are so adorable and Grandpa Dave looks great with all those babies! He needs to have more grandbabies!

Our Family: Forrest,Carla and Apryl said...

Hi, Kami, Jaxon is so cute, he is so big now. You have to check our blog too. Tawni is the one who inspire me to start my blog. we should get together sometime, take care


KayDee said...

I am so glad to see new pictures of Jaxson! YOur photographer did an awesome job! He is so cute! Yes he is going to be like his daddy.... that's not a bad thing!

Aleisa said...

Kami I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see him. I saw his announcement at my mom's house it is tooo cute! Congratulations! p.s. your blog is darling!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful baby. He is so cute. congratulations!

rickandlaurie said...

Yeah...I am so happy that you updated your blog! I have been wondering if it would ever happen.
Jax is so stinkin cute! You guys have such a fun little family now.
And...stop missing the bank!

The Knight Family said...

Hi Kami, How are you? It's been forever. I found your blog link on Jessica's blog. Congrats on the new adorable baby boy. I love the name Jaxon too by the way. I almost named my little boy Jaxton. Anyway...How do you like being a mom? You look great! But thats no surprise. Hope you're doing well. Lacie Knight